
Monday, October 21, 2013

Week #7-Free Post

 I Actually Have an Opinion

In my last post I wrote about therapeutic listening and the controversy about it in my field. I did not mention how I felt about it however, and I am going to take this opportunity to do that. The video below explains therapeutic listening in an understandable way. 

I absolutely believe that therapeutic listening can be helpful to clients. Many studies have shown significant improvement in children who try therapeutic listening. Studies frequently show that this therapy can help with several extremely important skills. First, it can help listening, communication, social skills, writing and focus which is key for any type of schooling and work. Therapeutic listening also helps balance, visual motor planning, self-regulation, sensory sensitivity, and motor planning. Although science can not entirely back up this therapy yet, it is apparent that it can help. 

At my Abilities Canter internship, I was able to see a child begin to use therapeutic listening. The expert on therapeutic listening, Jessica, showed all about it. The little boy who was using it seemed to warm up to the idea rather quickly. While listening Jessica preformed different techniques to see if the therapy had been helping at all. She noticed that with the head phones the client seemed to be more comfortable. Jessica also noticed that after using the swing to spin him, he was able to focus on her slightly faster after stopping spinning.

 I believe it is important to try any therapy that has a possibility of working, because the worst that can happen is the technique does not end up helping.
Works Cited
"What Is Therapeutic Listening?" YouTube. YouTube, 04 Nov. 2011. Web. 21 Oct. 2013.

1 comment:

  1. i loved this post because it was all about children and how it can benefit them and help them learn better. i know one day when i am a mother i will want my child to be the best it can be, so therapeutic listening is something i will try. i also loved how madeline used previous experience that she was in before, to help relate to the topic.
